Here are some ideas about A Course In Miracles. Are we all one? Are we all separate humans with separate minds, or all we one mind that can appear to have separate containers? A Course In Miracles (ACIM) tell humans to be of one mind. One should be one mind within their-self and also be one mind with others. If everyone is of one mind, then there might be peace on Earth. Perhaps no one would suffer from poverty. What about individuals like Hitler or Osama bin Laden? If we are all one, then perhaps they are the part of The One that has to be exterminated. They are ideas that are chaotic and useless. So The United States used the idea of the military to destroy the idea of Osama bin Laden existing.
It does not have to be hard to be a happy learner. Here are some tips on how to be a happy learner. A Course In Miracles states that one should be a happy learner. There is perhaps nothing wrong with being an unhappy learner, perhaps. God will not punish anyone for being an unhappy learner. However, being an unhappy learner is almost by definition, unpleasant. Learning can be unlimited. Learning never has to stop. God wills us to be a happy learners. God would have everyone be happy and joyful. God would have everyone co-create together in a productive and joyous fashion.
Is it alright to use A Course In Miracles to make money? Is it alright to use ACIM to make money? Priests arguably make a living from The Bible, as do pastors, arguably. So perhaps ACIM is no different than The Bible in this respect.
We are in Heaven now! In A Course In Miracles, Jesus says that we are in Heaven now! This is quite a comforting statement. There is nothing for you to learn. A Course In Miracles teaches that atonement is complete. Even this message is non-nonsensical. Hopefully these thoughts and ideas about ACIM were interesting to read. 🙂
Hopefully more individuals will read ACIM. This is a great book and can help to bring one more peace, happiness, joy and contentment. There are many ideas in A Course In Miracles. Everything is an idea.