Welcome to A Course In Miracles Heaven. ACIM.fun is about Miracles, Truth, fun, Heaven, and More.
God is great! Miracles are worthwhile. Heal the sick and raise the dead! God’s will for all humans is perfect happiness.
What Miracles do you want to see happen? What Miracles are urgent?
Blessings to all decent humans! Limitless Peace! Serenity! God, please Bless this Universe!
Miracles in the Game of Life: A Course in Miracles Perspective
In the vast world of an MMO, miracles are often seen as divine interventions—acts of grace that bring healing, protection, and renewal. But beyond the digital realm, miracles are something far more profound. A Course in Miracles (ACIM) teaches that miracles are not supernatural occurrences but shifts in perception, moments when we move from fear…
What Is God’s Will?
Do you wonder what God’s will for you is? A Course In Miracles will have much to say about what God’s will for you is. The answer is actually rather fairly simple. God’s will for your is that you experience joy and happiness. God’s will for you is that you have abundance. His will for…
God Wants All Humans to Experience Financial Prosperity and Abundance
God wants all humans to experience financial prosperity and abundance. God does not want any humans to live in poverty. God does not want there to be starvation, famine or homelessness on Earth. Suffering is not the will of God. That might perhaps be quite logical and common sense. God wants all humans to have financial success. God…
There Are Perhaps Many Ways to Dispel Illusions
There are various illusions that appear to exist on Earth. A Course In Miracles (ACIM) seems to indicate that there are perhaps multiple ways to dispel them. One way may be to deny the effects of the illusion, and/or to deny the illusion, and then it will disappear. Another way seems to be to try and…
There Is Nothing That Anyone Must Do
According to A Course In Miracles (ACIM), there is nothing that anyone must do. The Holy Spirit and God will do all that needs to be done. Illusions will be dispelled. All humans will experience perfect happiness. Salvation will happen. ACIM even seems to indicate that salvation already has happened! There is nothing that anyone…