God wants all humans to experience financial prosperity and abundance. God does not want any humans to live in poverty. God does not want there to be starvation, famine or homelessness on Earth. Suffering is not the will of God. That might perhaps be quite logical and common sense. God wants all humans to have financial success. God does not want any human to be financially poor or to struggle financially.
God is all powerful. God is perhaps a being. God is perhaps a principle. God is definitely an idea. God can perhaps be a being and/or a principle, at the same time. Being all powerful, God can become anything that he chooses to become and he can do whatever he chooses to do. Being all powerful, God can help all humans to be financially successful and to experience prosperity and abundance.
God has the power to help all humans become financially successful, all seven billion of them. God can manifest as one human or a trillion humans. That is the nature of infinite power. God is all good and therefore wants all humans to experience perfect happiness. Money is a tool and can be used as a means of facilitating the experience of happiness and peace. Being all good, wants all humans to experience financial prosperity and abundance.
Money can be used in destructive ways or constructive ways. God wants all humans to use money in ways that are constructive. God does not want any human to experience financial lack. God does not wan human to experience suffering. Hopefully all humans will choose to use the free-will that they have to use money in constructive ways that are fruitful, kind and generous.
God wants all humans to have enough money so that all humans can experience prosperity, comfort, peace and abundance. God wants all humans to be generous and kind towards one another. Hopefully all humans will attempt to follow the will of God. It seems that there is no point in resisting God and his will. God wants all humans to experience financial prosperity and abundance, and there are many ways that God’s will might become manifest.