God is love on the sea shore.

God Has Limitless Power

God has limitless power. That seems to be quite good. Limitless power is perhaps difficult to imagine. There is nothing that God cannot do. God wants all humans to experience perfect happiness and perfect peace. Reading A Course In Miracles (ACIM) can be a good way to experience more peace, it seems. It seems that God helped ACIM to exist so that more humans can experience perfect happiness and perfect peace.

God is good. God is great. God wants all humans to experience perfect happiness. God wants there to be peace on Earth. God wants Heaven to be present on all of Earth, it seems. God is all good. God has the power to help create perfect happiness for all humans in Heaven! Hopefully all humans will experience the perfect peace of Heaven sooner rather than later.

God is all powerful. God knows all. God is always present. There is much to be thankful to God for, it seems. There is nothing that God is not able to do. There are many good implications to this idea, it seems. Hopefully all humans will realize the limitless power and goodness of God.  There is nothing that God cannot do. It is good to be thankful for God for the wonderful things that are maintained through his goodness and power.

God is quite wonderful and good. God wants all humans to live lives that are long, healthy, happy, productive, enjoyable, fruitful, satisfying, virtuous, worthwhile and interesting. God is all powerful. God can be everywhere. God is quite wonderful and good, it seems. That seems to be quite true.

It will be good when all humans on Earth experience perfect happiness and perfect peace. Hopefully all humans will read and study ACIM. There are many good books that have been written. ACIM is perhaps one of the best books that has ever been written. There are many reasons to read this wonderful book. It is good to not forget that God has limitless power and wants all humans to be perfectly happy.