God wants all humans to be perfectly happy. A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is quite clear on this matter. God wants all humans to experience perfect happiness. This may take the form of elation, joy, bliss, perfect peace, enjoyment and so forth. There are many ways to achieve and experience happiness, it seems. All humans who obey just laws deserve to experience perfect happiness.
There are perhaps many ways to experience perfect happiness. It might be a little bit different for each human on Earth. ACIM may help for humans to successfully dispel illusions and to experience more complete and perfect happiness. The Holy Spirit seems to be willing to successfully guide each human who might listen to perfect happiness. Hopefully all the illusions of Earth will be dispelled so that all humans may truly experience perfect happiness for all eternity.
There are perhaps many ways to experience perfect happiness. A Course In Miracles indicates that God’s will for all humans is perfect happiness. Playing disc golf may be one way to experience perfect happiness. Hiking may be a way to experience perfect happiness. Fellowship with other humans may be a way to experience perfect happiness. Backpacking may be a way to enjoy perfect happiness. Creating art may be a good way to experience perfect happiness.
Prayer may be a way to experience perfect happiness. Forgiveness may be a way to experience perfect happiness. Other ways to experience perfect happiness may be running, watching comedy, dancing, creating art, watching television, cooking, writing fiction, writing poetry, eating delicious food and so forth. There are perhaps many ways to experience elation, joy and perfect peace.
There are indeed many ways to experience perfect happiness. God wants all humans to be perfectly happy. It is good to listen to and follow guidance from The Holy Spirit. Reading ACIM is perhaps a way to experience more happiness which can contribute to perfect happiness. Perhaps if humans colonize other planets, then trillions of humans might be able to potentially exist, and with the help of ACIM, perhaps all of them can and will experience perfect happiness for all eternity!